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Why the Hold?
Way Holding Should Be;
On Holding; ...Course
Reversal Entries;
The Fix;
...Information Provided by ATC;
...The Why of Timing; ...Timing
Using the E6-B Computer;
ATC Directions;
The Pilot Must Know;
Getting Reciprocals;
NDB Holding Simplified;
Using NDB;
Changing the OBS;
Components; ...Holding Directions;
Diagramming the Hold;
More Pattern Analysis;
to Study;
Direct Entries;
Non-Direct Entries;
Simple Parallels;
Changing Frequencies and OBS;
Using the Heading Indicator to
Simple Holding;
Thinking Through the Hold;
Off Airways;
VOR Holding;
DME Holding;
The Clearance;
Reversal Holding and Procedure Turns;
Approach Holds;
Clearance Simulation;
Bay Area Intersections;
Exercise II; ...Intersections
and Airways; ...Using the Clock;
...A Holding Experience; ...Single
Nav Holding; ... The Holding
VOR Holding; ...Electronic
Situational Awareness Errors; ...New Look
at Holding; ... Changing OBS and
Frequencies; ...Gene and Aaron; ...Holding
Pattern another Way; ...
I have not included in this presentation the FAA method. It is
well presented elsewhere. I have explained a possible method
in several different ways. Pay your money and take your choice.
AIM 5-3-7 revokes the 175 knot prop limit and now has
200, 230, and 265 above 14,000 or as specified on chart limits.
FAR 61.57(c) requires six instrument approaches (all the same
or different), holding procedures, and interception and tracking
of navaid courses for meeting required IFR currency.
An instructor must teach the direct, parallel, and teardrop
holding entries even though the applicant can chose not to use
them. Requirement is to remain within the airspace limits. The
most recent FAA presentations seem to be leaning toward a more
liberal selection of procedure.
the Hold?
--The hold is a way for ATC to adjust traffic so that it
fits into the separation standards of the FARs.
--When the hold is not part of a charted procedure, ATC will
try to give you a direct entry.
--Even when the hold is published, ATC may give a hold and direction
that makes entry to the approach easier.
--The instrument PTS does not say the FAA method must be used.
--The CFII PTS specifies the FAA method as part of the test.
--A hold does not need to be exact, You just have to remain inside
the airspace on the holding side of the fix.
--This can be done by doing the course reversal 90/270 by doing
it as a 80/260 to allow for entry and recovery.
--The same procedure can be used to make the procedure turn.
--Always make your first 90 degreed turn to the holding side
and your 260 will be in the holding direction.
Way Holding Should Be
The shape of the holding pattern is as with a race track,
rounded ends the give width and straight sides that give the
pattern length. The holding direction is always the length from
the fix. The right or left turn from the fix determines the width
side of the pattern.
Draw the holding pattern on the fat of the thumb with the palm
up on both hands. Mark the fix near the upper outside corner.
The diagonal line follows the line of thumb through the fix and
across the palm. The inbound course line is extended through
the forefinger.
Any entry from below the thumb to the far side of the wrist is a direct entry. Any entry from the angle formed by the thumb and forefinger is a teardrop. Any entry coming across the fingers (fingers are parallel) or the palm will be a parallel entry. For Right pattern draw line down from the right For left pattern draw line down from the left.
Reference outbound course:
Small pie is teardrop
Middle piece is parallel
Big piece is direct
--Climbing outbound on a procedures inbound radial is a sure
way of meeting someone.
--Prepare your departure and arrival strategies ahead of time.
--Desire to be good is required to be good.
--An accident occurs when you have exhausted your box of options.
--Getting away with something stupid is a learning experience,
not an invitation to try again.
--If you become confused as to where you are in the holding pattern, reference
your inbound heading's location. It should be top for inbound or bottom
for outbound.
On Holding
Under the revised FARs you are now required to log holds
every 6 months for IFR currency. You are expected to use a procedure
that will keep you within the protected airspace of the holding
pattern. The entry guaranteed to keep you in the airspace is
the course reversal. Both the parallel and teardrop entries can
be substituted by the course reversal.
First you slow down. Entering holding patterns with excess speed
increases the probability that you will fly out of protected
airspace. the examiner will not accept reduction of speed sooner
than three minutes before reaching the fix. You can get ATC approval
if you wish to slow up sooner, however.
You much remember second to just turn to the outbound heading over the fix, perform the course reversal to the left for right standards holding patterns and to the right for non-standard left patterns. Draw it out, if you must. Go for tripling the wind correction angle while outbound but maintain your standard rate bank angles. Ask for two, three minute legs to give you more time to study your plates.
For the Practical Test Standards (PTS) you will need to know but not use the FAA recommended entries. An applicant who uses other than the recommended procedure must remain within the holding pattern protected airspace. Reference: AFS-600 Designee Update Vol 6, No. 2. April 1994. After you have your instrument rating it doesn't make any difference how you do a hold after you get your instrument rating, as long as you remain in protected airspace. The FAA is de-emphasizing the 70/110 method of determining holding pattern entries.
Aircraft holding patterns are a way of parking or delaying
an aircraft along a route much as a railroad might use a railway
siding. It may be used as a descent maneuver which avoids terrain
or as an altitude stacking procedure to align aircraft as might
be required in non-radar IFR situations. Holding is done for
the convenience of ATC. Do not let their convenience jeopardize
the FAR mandated fuel requirements. Be prepared to give minimum
fuel advisories or to declare an emergency. Holding patters are
used for traffic separation en route, for sequencing at terminals
and as part of the approach procedure. The hold provides protected
airspace. You may use a non-standard entry if it keeps you within
protected airspace. Examiners may question you about the standard
procedures if you choose to
fly a non-standard pattern.
Flight instructors are required to teach the recommended holding pattern entries defined in the Instrument Flying Handbook and the AIM. This is so even though other entry procedures may enable the aircraft to enter the holding pattern and remain in protected airspace.
You are more likely to get vectors than a hold. If a delay becomes part of the approach, slow down. Advise ATC to he can see that you are helping the process. Organize your radios and frequencies. If a hold is called for you will do right turns unless left turns are directed or published. Get the EFC time. If you have trouble with Zulu time get it confirmed in local time. You are free to make your arrival to the hold in any manner but first you must fly to the fix.
Standard procedures say when specific actions are required, not how they are to be made. This is the difference between procedure and technique. The way you do things when flying the airplane will give you habit patterns that will protect us when overload situations occur. Habits do not replace checklists, they do get you moving in the proper direction and flow.
There are eight possible holds at any fix. Four of them are direct entries and four require that you reverse direction. The holding instruction always gives you the initial outbound course. Once established you just fly the times and pattern
Holding is rarely done and when required is usually a direct
entry. Holding on the ground is replacing in-flight holding. Expect
Further Clearance times are indefinite when a hold is required.
Be prepared to evaluate fuel situation whenever given a hold.
An hour's fuel is a minimum reserve when holding. The most critical
requirement is that you know your margins and options.
G.A. aircraft have many options in lieu of a hold. The FAA system
for holding should be discarded once you are IFR rated. Historically
holds were either teardrop or direct. For me, they still are.
New wind drift correction on the outbound are now predicated at
times-3 of the inbound. I still prefer the times-2 correction.
Regardless of the holding instructions, make sure you clearly
understand what to do next and what to do after that.
Reversal Entries
The direct entry is most common and easy, at the fix turn to
the outbound heading for one minute and fly inbound to the fix.
If you can fly directly through the fix on the outbound heading
with less than a 30-degree turn (teardrop) you fly for forty-five
seconds and execute a course reversal initiated by a 90-degree opposite
to the pattern direction and a 270-degree inbound (Course reversal).
This turns you around and inbound to the fix and holding pattern.
If you must turn 90-degrees on arriving at the fix for the outbound heading, you will either make a direct entry in right turns to the right or left turns to the right (parallel) This will require you to fly forty-five seconds before initiating a course reversal from a right 90-degree turn and a left 270 back to the inbound intercept to the fix (course reversal). If your entry requires a left turn it will be either a direct entry to left turns or a left 90 outbound for one minute and then another left 90 followed by a right 270 inbound to the fix and right turns in the pattern (course reversal).
The above procedure is now allowed by FAR and is simplistic
in that all procedures that require a reversal of direction are
preceded by two opposite direction 90-degree; turns followed
by a pattern direction 270 back to the fix. They may be performed in the
immediate vicinity of the fix or after flying outbound on the inbound radial
for forty-five seconds. The outbound straight
leg seems to be an option predicated on the wind.
Made a different course reversal 8-17-01 that worked in a specific
situation. We were told to hold as published even though we had
requested otherwise. The hold direction would require us to get
turned around in order to proceed home. When we were ready to
proceed we were instructed to intercept the assigned airway.
I did this by proceeding to the fix and continuing in the right
turn for 270 degrees and then in a left 90-degree turn. It worked
perfectly. Don't know if I have ever read about as a procedure
The hold is a race track pattern which, in no-wind conditions,
is made up of one minute straight legs and one minute turns at
each end. At one 'corner' of the pattern is a FIX. A FIX may
be the airway intersection of two VOR radials, a VOR, an NDB,
by DME along an airway radial or by direction. The pattern is
normally flown at an economic fuel saving speed. If you are being
flown toward a holding pattern by ATC, make a request for a lower
(endurance) speed en route. This lower speed may eliminate the
holding requirement. Always plan to slow down before reaching
the fix. Sooner is better than too late. The turns are not normally
timed since a standard rate turn is used and may be more or less
than 180 degrees for windage.
There are rules about what angles radials are used to intercept
at intersections. When procedures are designed, the protected
airspace takes into account things like fix uncertainty due to
poor navaid geometry. Once established in the holding pattern
at an intersection fix the needles will be centered at the fix,
both needles will be off on the outbound leg and one centered
on the inbound leg. At a VOR the fix is reached at the moment
of TO/FROM reversal. The needle is off to one side on the outbound
leg. NDB holding will be covered later. The first big step to
holding is aircraft control. You must have your power/trim settings
for the aircraft so locked in that neither airspeed nor altitude
become distractions or added work load.
Historically, the name of every intersection made some reference to something near that location. Originally the words were spelled out. With the advent of computers all intersections consist of five letters which may phonetically resemble the original. LODI became LODDI, RIO VISTA became REJOY and VISTA. Only an active imagination or an old memory bank makes possible many of the associations. VORs have only three letter designators.
Early attitude indicator gyros were quite subject to precession if a continuous turn were made. To prevent this as a problem holding patterns were designed with one-minute straight legs. Hence, the holding pattern as we know it.
In the real world of holding where it is an every flight occurrence at certain Class B airspaces, the pilot knows just by 'situational awareness' what he must do to position the aircraft to the fix and into the holding entry. You just know what to do and how to do it. There is no need for diagrams, angles, or mental gymnastics.
The General Aviation pilot will do more holds getting the IFR rating that he will ever do the rest of his flying life. It is because of this lack of use that the pilot must have an easy, available method for interpreting the clearance and determining the holding procedure.
provided by ATC:
--The direction from the fix is given (confusion issue)
including the radial or bearing to hold. This holding direction
is the side to hold on but is not the course for the inbound
--Know when you arrive at the fix and make your outbound turn
within six seconds.
--One minute holds are made up to and including 14,000.
Know that the true airspeed over indicated airspeed increases
with altitude.
--Using a DME hold requires that you change your time for a leg
into a distance for a leg. Thus, at 90 knots a leg would be 1.5
miles for one minute. Using DME you would turn after 1.5 outbound
regardless of time.
--Expect further clearance (EFC) is required information for
a hold. If ATC fails to give it, ask for it.
--You are expected to used all available resources.
You start timing the outbound leg of intersection, VOR, and
DME holds when you are on the selected outbound heading as corrected
for wind. The traditional practice has been to double the outbound
wind correction angle on the outbound heading. As of January
6, 1995, the AIM uses the word triple' instead of double. At
an NDB or if you can establish when abeam a VOR or a fix start
your time when abeam. VOR: Outbound timing starts when to/from
indicator reverses as you pass abeam the VOR.
Intersection: Outbound timing starts at completion of
outbound turn since magnetic bearing cannot be determined.
NDB: Outbound timing starts when ADF relative bearing
is 90-degrees minus drift correction angle.
The Why of Timing
James H. Macklin
The purpose of any IAP chart is to let the pilot know what has been flight
checked for terrain clearance and what is safe and what isn't. Before DME and
later, LORAN, pilots had no way to know their position without flying over
some point or radial intersection and timing from that point. It was a guess
as to the actual point and time, since you may not know the winds aloft
accurately, the radials may have numerous angular displacement [remember that
VOR radials are +/- 4 degrees in the airplane and even the ground station is
not perfect. That is why the FAA flies all approaches and airways, to check
that the published fixes and intersections are accurate enough and safe.
But, now with GPS, the pilot can know, to within a few feet, his exact
position. So timing is less accurate and would seem to be redundant. But
timing is still important, it may still be the parameter the MAP was based on
for a VOR or NDB approach. Unless the approach says GPS, the procedure is
still based on time. But if my time said I had a mile to go and the GPS said I
was there, I'd look for the runway and be bout to start the miss.
The hardest thing for a new instrument pilot to learn is spatial orientation,
to have a picture in the mind of where they are, which way everything else is,
all the time, and to know how to get from here to there. The GPS graphic
display makes that the easy part. It may even make it too easy, but think of
the hundreds of accidents that have happened world-wide over the years that
GPS will stop. Airliners have flown into mountains, military transports and
fighters have flown into mountains, and GA have flown into mountains, as well
as every other kind of charted obstruction. A Lear charter out of Palm Springs
flew under full control into a mountain while waiting for Radar Contact that
was not available. An airliner descents to initial approach altitude before
reaching the segment past the mountain going into an airport in the East (was
it Virginia or DC, can't recall)...It happened every year.
Time is always first and Talk is always last, the other Ts Turn, Tune,
Throttle, Tires may not apply, and Time never stops.
James H. Macklin
"A Lieberman"
Writes I timed out bound procedure turns in order to stay within the protect
airspace, if you have DME or GPS fix, stay within the limit listed on the
Fully understand the need for timing without GPS to remain in protected
airspace, but if I have the display on the map, and fly the graphical
procedure turn as I did today, wouldn't that assure me of remaining in the
protected airspace? Or would there be a slim chance that the overlay may not
be accurate? For my particular approach (VOR Alpha to MBO), I have to remain
within 10 NM of the JAN VOR.
Timing Using the E6-B Flight Computer
Correct description is:
Set the actual outbound time, on the outer ring, opposite the
actual inbound time, on the inner ring. Now read off the correct
outbound time from the outer ring opposite the 60 second arrow
on the inner ring. So, for example, if your first outbound leg
is 60 seconds, and your inbound leg after that is 45 seconds
(because you have a tailwind inbound), you'd set 60 seconds on
the outer ring opposite :45 on the inner ring, then read off
1:20 on the outer ring opposite the 60 second arrow on the inner.
So, let's say you fly the next outbound leg for 1:20, and on the inbound you still only take :50. Shift the ring so that :50 is opposite the 1:20 (that used to be next to the 60 second arrow); you should now see 1:36 opposite the 60 second arrow, so that's what you should fly the next outbound leg. All it is doing is 60 * (outbound / inbound).
The space available for the hold is fairly standardized both
as to length and size to each side of the inbound course. There
is a primary area, maneuvering zone, and secondary area. The
overall shape is like that of an elongated avocado cut in half
lengthwise. The fix is on the course line. One nm away,
at right angles to the course at the fix, is the center (nameless)
of the radii for the small end of the avocado. A five nm 180
degree area of arc forms the small end of the avocado. Ten nm
away on the outbound course there is another point (nameless)
on the same side of the course but two nm miles from the course.
The six nm radii from this point form the big end of the avocado.
The offset from the course line of these two points gives both
ends of the maneuvering zone. The course line is thus offset
from the center line of the avocado by one nm on the small end
and two nm on the big end.
Draw an avocado. The holding inbound course line is offset to the non-holding side one mile from the center of the arc of small end and is offset two miles to the non-holding side of the arc of the large end. The radius of the small end arc is 5 miles plus a two-mile secondary zone which extends like a heavy skin around the avocado. At its longest the avocado is 25 miles long. At the large end it is 15 miles wide and at the fix about 14 miles wide. The holding side gives us a over half an avocado that is 25 miles long, and widens from 7 miles to 10 miles on the holding side. The non-holding side is 23 miles long and 7 miles wide.
Holding patterns are used instead of procedure turns to reduce
the amount of airspace required. The procedure turn can be any
time you want as long as it is to the correct (protected) side.
Caveat: Some Category A-only require reversal within 5 miles.
It does not need to be as depicted unless it is a teardrop. Personally,
I much prefer the 90° /270° since it is quicker
and reduces potential wind effect.
There are specific rules about what angles radials are allowed
to intercept at intersections. In theory, you could define an
intersection of the 180 radial off one VOR and the 190 radial
off another, but in practice the two cross at so shallow an angle
it would be impossible, as you discovered, to locate the point
accurately enough using VOR receivers. When procedures are designed,
the protected airspace takes into account things like fix uncertainty
due to poor navaid geometry. So, even though it looked like you
were having troubles finding the fix, you were probably still
within the protected airspace, which is all that's required.
They are; NORTH (exactly 360 but ranging between 340
and 020);
NORTHEAST (exactly 045 but ranging between 020 and 070);
EAST (exactly 090 but ranging between 070 and 110);
SOUTHEAST (EXACTLY 135 but ranging between 115
and 160);
SOUTH (exactly 180 but ranging between 160 and
SOUTHWEST (exactly 225 but ranging 200 to 250);
WEST (exactly 270 but ranging between 250 to 290);
NORTHWEST (exactly 315 but ranging between 290 and 340)
(Use numbers immediately above)
Notice, bold digits when added equal 9.
Notice, italicized digits when added equal 7
Notice, normal digits when added equal 2 (2+9+0 = 11; 1 +
1= 2 )
Pilot Must Know:
--How to fly from cruise to 90 knots and back again at altitude
--Right from left
--That a radial is from a VOR, a bearing is TO an
--The numbers and terms for major headings of the compass
--How to get reciprocals quickly. (+ 2 and + 2).
--Using the DG to get reciprocals, 30 and 45 degree angles
--How to fly with minimum effort TO/FROM a VOR radial.
--How to intercept and track a given bearing to an NDB
--How to quickly tune and set radios is important.
--The holding instructions are not complete without the Expect Further
Clearance Time. (EFC)t.
--ATC communications are guaranteed at MEA and expected at
IAF and at Missed Approach altitude but not necessarily on approach.
--Where possible ATC is required to detect and advise any time
the holding airspace is exceeded. However, it is the pilot responsibility
to maintain the hold, not ATC's.
--If, when under radar, you should ever acknowledge that you
have visual contact with pointed-out traffic it becomes your
responsibility to both see and avoid. ATC has effectively handed
this responsibility to you until you should again tell ATC that
you can no longer see the traffic. Better to not see??
--Yes the ATC system does fail but more common are mistaken frequency
assignment or a dropped handoff. You can protect yourself by
anticipating your next frequency. This can be done in your preflight
planning, referring to your charts, using the A/FD listings,
or most easily listening to the handoffs that occur in front
of your flight. The last method is best because it is the least
likely to be out-of-date. During busy and non-busy periods ATC
will eliminate or combine station frequencies. When you know
which period exists during your flight you can anticipate the
required frequency.
No matter how you determine your holding procedure, your
knowledge of where you are in relationship to the fix, the holding
pattern, your arrival and departure routes are essential givens.
The perceptual key to successful holding is to remain oriented.
Don't even think about orientation until you are headed toward
the fix or on an intercept to one of its legs.
Each of the three types of holds have certain characteristics as to entry, number and direction of turns, NAV/OBS changes, and orientation difficulties. The better they are understood the better you will stay oriented. The different kinds of holding fixes, the multiplicity of holds, the variations of instructions all contribute to the orientation problem. Since intersections are seldom at right angles (90 degrees) some eyeballing of the holds and turns will be required in actual practice. The airspace allotted for holding takes into account a considerable amount of pilot error.
If you must... ALWAYS-ALWAYS DRAW THE INBOUND SIDE AND HEADING FIRST when drawing any holding pattern. Doing this will at least improve the chance of getting the turn direction correct. As you go through the following study process first do the drawing. Get away from the drawing as soon as you are able. It is essential that you be able to mentally visualize any hold from an oral description consisting of only a fix name, a direction and the turn direction. i.e." Hold at RAGGE, south in left turns." or "Hold southeast at SNUPY." When no direction for the turns is given 'standard' is right turns.
A requirement for any holding entry is that the pilot be
able to make some predetermination of wind direction and velocity.
Your best insight will be your own in flight calculation of the
wind. Do all you can to get the wind direction and velocity while
you are flying to the fix. Your second best insight will be the
FSS forecasts for your altitude.
Once you know the wind, triple your wind correction on the outbound legs for at least one minute of that leg. (As of January 6, 1995, the AIM uses the word 'triple' instead of double.) This is a DR skill. Wind correcting headings are used on both the outbound (double the outbound) and inbound to fix courses. Wind correcting times are also used on the outbound headings to establish one minute inbound legs.
Course is the line you are trying to fly, heading is where the nose points in order to fly the course line. Course and heading are the same only when there is no crosswind. Since the holding side is "protected" airspace considerable allowance is made while the pilot tries to sort out the wind effect. Three times around should get the pattern into pretty good shape.
At this point is important for you, the pilot, to know how
to get your reciprocals quickly and accurately. It is wise to
memorize the eight cardinal headings and their reciprocals. The
difficulty of adding or subtracting 180 can be overcome by several
methods. Always say course, headings, bearings, or radials as
consisting of three digits. You should have started this way
as a student pilot.
Easy way #1
Just set the original number at the bottom of the OBS dial.
Easier way #2
Add 200 subtract 20/subtract 200 add 20.
Since you need to either add or subtract 180 degrees To a
number less than 180 add two hundred and subtract twenty i.e.
045 + 200 = 245 - 20 = 225 To a number more than 180 subtract
200 and add twenty. i.e. 266 - 200 = 66 + 20 = 086
Easiest way #3
Since every number on the compass consists of 3 digits, just
add or subtract two from the first two digits. The third digit
remains the same. Course = 0 4 5 Course 2 2 5
+2-2__ -2+2__
becomes 2 2 5
0 4 5
Easiest: Take two from first digit and add it to second digit; take two from second digit and add to first digit.
Another way: The last digit of reciprocals always remains the same. The middle number always increases or decreases by eight. There are only four different initial digits. First write down the last digit. To find the first digit you must know how the numbers on opposite quadrants of the compass rose change. The first digit threes are in the opposite quadrant from the ones. The zeros are opposite the twos. It works but might not be that easy under pressure.
Knowing the sum of the digits for all 90, 180, and 270 points from a given heading are equal. For example, 135 degrees adding the digits equals 9. The 180 degree reciprocal is 315 which also equals 9. The 90/270 degrees are 225 and 045 and the sums of the digits equal 9. This will work for any compass points including 45 degree intervals, 22.5 degree intervals and 11.25 degree intervals. Occasionally, during a turn you may have failed to determine a 90 or 180 degree heading point. The above sum of the digits knowledge may save the turn. Likewise, you can just reference the initial heading in an appropriate 90 or 180 position on the HI.
Mark all published holding patterns on plates and area charts with a diagonal line having arrows and numbers for headings in both directions.
Highlight important frequencies, directions, times, and altitudes.
Be aware that once you have learned the approved
FAA method and obtained your certificate you may want to use
only the course reversal method explained later.
A holding fix at an NDB or equivalent is usually flown direct
to the NDB using the ADF. If a specific bearing for arrival at
the NDB fix is given then an intercept procedure is required.
Flight using the ADF requires that very accurate headings
be flown. An accurate heading makes it possible to determine
the effect of any wind. Flight into a crosswind will be tracking
accurately on course if the heading is constant while the needle
likewise remains constant even though not on '0'. Loran and GPS
makes tracking so easy that the FAA will not allow it.
In many respects holding with an ADF is easier than with a VOR fix of any kind. With the ADF you always know where the fix is. You can always fly right to the fix even if by a circuitous route due to winds. Once at the fix you determine the bearing on which ATC has determined the holding direction and if non-standard turns. No mental reversals of inbound/outbound courses are required. No frequency changes. Just get there and do it.
Entries (ADF)
Diagramming the eight possible patterns around an ADF fix is beyond
my computer ability. I suggest that you do so on a sheet of paper.
By numbering from the top from one to eight you begin with #1 at the top left
until #8 is above the line to your left
Using a clockwise eight count for each pattern from 12 oclock we find that only #4 and #5 give you instant inbound entry into the pattern. #1 and #2 require that you turn to depart the fix at a 30 degree angle from the outbound direction for one minute before tracking back to the fix the classic tear drop entry. #4 and #7 allow you to track outbound on the inbound bearing before turning back to the fix through the holding pattern. #3 and #8 Require that you fly outbound on a heading until the ADF needle points tracks to the 30 degree point be hind you. This should take one minute. and another minute turn back to the fix.
Once you have tracked back to the fix you are established in the hold and should begin turns in the assigned direction. Your outbound leg is made on a heading designed to correct for the wind as guessimated or forecast. The preferred procedure is to determine the inbound correction required. Once the inbound correction has been approximated be sure to triple the angle of correction of correction on the outbound leg. (As of January 6, 1995, the AIM uses the word 'triple' instead of double.) This will make the holding pattern egg shaped as required by the wind.
One of the beauties of the ADF is that it is relatively easy to determine when to begin timing the outbound leg. When the Fix is at the 90 degree point, left or right, start your time. In no wind conditions the needle will be at the 30 degree rear position at the completion of the one minute outbound leg. The + effect of the wind will change the angle slightly as well as the outbound time required to set the inbound leg time to one minute.
Fly a NDB holding pattern in calm conditions and note how the needle will be at 90/270 as when to begin timing the outbound course. Note how needle will tract to your rear, left or right, 30 degree position when you have reached your time for beginning your inbound turn. Next try this on a windy day and note how the needle is not nearly as much help in either determining your timing points or wind correction angle.
Holding Simplified
In the "real world" bearings are seldom flown exactly.
If the NDB can be located on a LORAN or GPS such flight is very
easy. (Flying an NDB approach to an airport becomes a very accurate
affair if the airport location is put into the LORAN or GPS.)
When holding at NDB the first inbound turn is flown direct to the NDB. The heading required to fly direct gives some indication of wind correction required. Make a guess as to the amount of wind correction required. Triple this correction angle into the wind on the outbound leg. When you come out of the turn to your inbound heading if the ADF needle is '0' then your wind correction is correct. Change your inbound heading to correct for the wind again. Make any fine adjustment required. Repeat the procedure as necessary to correct for wind and time.
Using NDB
Identify fixes using an NDB bearing is a check-ride Catch
22. There are FAFs that use a wing tip bearing for identification.
Regarding Frequency changes, turns, and OBS settings, there
is a pattern for you to learn.
--The NDB hold requires no changes of any kind.
-- The VOR hold's only change is required after crossing to set
the reciprocal of the assigned radial on the OBS.
--Direct entries #4 & #5 require no changes.
--Teardrops #1 and #8 require only an OBS reversal on the #1
--Parallels holds # 3 & #6 and direct entries #2 & 7
require a complete change in frequencies and OBS
settings. Each hold requires a sequence of changes.
There is a pattern to the changes in frequency and OBS settings
required for each hold. By working through each hold slowly you
can learn the appropriate pattern. I would suggest that you memorize
and practice making frequency/OBS changes on the ground so that
every knob will be turned initially in the right direction and
the right amount. Anything you can do to lighten your load under
single pilot IFR should be practiced.
For the intersection hold the interception settings of the two VORs are maintained until reaching the intersection and making the initial turn. It is desirable to set all NAV/OBS on the outbound leg and reset/check them on the inbound leg. When flying to a holding fix, marked by an intercepting VOR radial, don't wait for more than a one dot movement of your intercept needle before slowing down. Set up a timing intercept radial for NDB and VOR fixes as Poor man's DME. (See instructor)
One of the ways to better plan holding is to develop a course/ VOR #1-OBS/VOR and a #2 VOR/OBS chart. Chart should Specify intercept heading, course inbound, and all headings after turns. The word time or the letter T should be written under all headings that require timing. The #1 VOR should always be the one being tracked to or from. The #2 should always be the interception one. Although it may seem easier in some patterns not to do this it can lead to complete disorientation under stress situations.
Remember that on outbound legs while established in the holding
pattern the needles will not be centered. The degrees of turn
inbound to intercept the inbound leg of the parallel hold may
be increased /slowed to allow easier interception and tracking
to the fix.
the OBS
Once you have a good command of how to enter the hold, practice
using the OBS. Try to turn the shortest distance. Some settings
are easy to misplace. If a setting is 039, set 040 and back off
a fraction. Watch out for parallax in your view of the numbers
and setting. Be aware than some older dials have the OBS setting
on the bottom rather than on top. If you have trouble getting
reciprocals, just put your number on the bottom. If the number
you want on the OBS is to your right, turn the OBS knob to the
right. One full twist between the finger and thumb will approximate
90 degrees. Practice setting changes required for every hold
until you can make required changes in less than 5 seconds.
There are three different holding pattern entries
direct--You make a standard rate turn to the outbound
heading from the fix. and time when on the outbound heading.
teardrop--You make a 30-degree turn from the fix to the left for right turns (right for left turns) and time from the fix. Draw 30-degree angle on chart.
parallel--You turn outbound and time leg before turning left for right turns (right for left turns) and time from the fix. Inbound direct to the fix for holding pattern.
There are two different holding directions
right (standard) need not be assigned or published
left - must be assigned or published
We will always be flying toward the fix. Every hold will be to the right or left of the course to the fix. Turns are either standard or specified (left). The major variable is in the instructions for the hold.
Frequently the holding direction makes a second approach clumsy. An experienced controller will reverse the holding direction if he knows ahead of time that you plan to do multiple approaches so that your entries can be direct..
Directions (Repeated material different presentation)
Every four way intersection has eight holds.
Four are direct entries.
Of the four direct entries the two to your left are in left turns
and the two to your right are in right turns. Note pattern: Left/left
and right/right.
Two are teardrop.
Two are parallel
The teardrop and parallel are ambidextrous; the patterns to your
right are in left turns, those to your left are in right turns.
Pattern: Left/right and right/left.
The teardrop entries are both across the fix extending in
your line of flight.
The parallel entries extend to the left and right on the approaching
side of the fix.
the Hold
Use a + shape to denote the fix. Let the top of the + be
the direction of flight. You are arriving from the bottom of
the + and flying toward the top of the +. You always fly to the
holding fix. The fix is the middle of the +. Draw a + and put
in the two teardrop holds. They will always be to each side of
the top vertical. Draw another + fix and put in the two parallel
holds. They will always be below the horizontal and extending
to each side. Draw a third + fix and put in the four direct entries.
Two will be to each side of the bottom vertical. Two will be
above the horizontal and extending to each side.
Number the holds of a four inch + from one to eight clockwise, beginning at the top right. Now draw small R-arrows and L-arrows along the patterns on the outbound legs to confirm turn direction. Begin drawing every series of arrows on the inbound leg of the holding pattern. You should be able to detect a pattern. There is a relationship between the location of the fix and the turn direction. Look for it.
Pattern Analysis
4 are direct entries
-- Two holds are in right turns; both are to the right of
your course
Hold #2 extends like a wing to your right. To enter you fly across
the intersection turn right 90o fly for one
minute, make a 180o right turn and fly inbound to the fix. Continue
in right turns.
Hold #4 extends like a banana along your route of entry toward
the fix. You begin making a right 180o turn
and fly back the way you came for one minute before turning right
toward the fix. No NAV/OBS
changes required.
--Two holds are in left turns; both are to the left of your course.
Hold #5 extends like a banana toward you. At the fix you begin
making a left 180o and fly back the way
you came for one minute before turning left toward the fix. No
NAV/OBS changes required.
Hold #7 extends like a wing to your left. To enter you fly across
the intersection turn left 90o fly for one
minute, make a 180o left turn and fly inbound to the fix. Continue
in left turns.
2 are teardrop entries
Hold #1 in right turns; extends like a banana away
from you. It is to the left side of your arrival course.
It is
entered at the fix by a 30o left turn and after one minute a
right turn back to the fix is followed by all
right turns.
Hold #2 in left turns; extends like a banana away from you. It is to the right side of your arrival course. It is entered at the fix by a 30o right turn and after one minute a left turn back to the fix is followed by all left turns.
2 are parallel entries
Hold #4 in right turns; extends like a wing to your
left. It is flown by making a left 90o flying for
one minute
and making a left 220 back to the fix. All subsequent turns are
to the right.
Hold #7 in left turns; extends like a wing to your right. It is flown by making a right 90o and flying for one minute and taking a right 220 back to the fix. All subsequent turns are to the left.
to Study
When you are driving North and arrive at a four way intersection
stop light you are looking at eight different potential holding
patterns. The very center of the intersection is the fix. The
end of each holding pattern overlap somewhat at the fix. For
ease of visualization we will always be (flying) driving
through the intersection. Number these patterns clockwise from
the top left as 1 through 8. 1 & 2are to the north and 5 & 6 to the south.
You can actually be studying your holding patterns as you come to a stop light while driving. Give yourself successive clearances around the eight holds as you come to each stoplight. Go through your radio arrival and hold changes.
Another method of study might be to first draw the eight holding patterns usually given at a four way intersection. Flight is always from the bottom of the page toward the top. Draw and study the following numbers and their related patterns thoroughly before proceeding. First locate the hold from your direction as #1. #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, or #8, Highlighted patterns are direct entry, #1 & #2 are teardrop, #4 & #7 are parallel. Direct entries to your right are in right turns; direct entries to your left are in left turns. Any hold to your left with right turns is either parallel or teardrop; those to your right in left turns will be parallel or teardrop. Teardrop entries #1 to your left is in right turns & #2 to your right is in left turns. They extend across the fix away from your course. Parallel entries #4 to your right is in left turns & #7 to your left is in right turns. They extend like wings on the arrival side of the intersection.
We are going to begin with the four direct entry patterns.
Patterns 3 & 8 initially and then 5 & 6. A direct entry
means that the pattern turns and holding pattern side relative
to your heading are to the same side. Right side, right turns;
left side left turns. Just fly to the fix and start turning.
In a direct entry, once you have flown through the fix, set up
the fix on your radios.
Direct entries #5 and #6 which extend toward you from the fix do not require any frequency or OBS changes. The frequency/OBS changes for direct entry #3 is paired with parallel entry #4 and direct entry #8 is paired with parallel entry #7. (covered later)
#5 and #6 Direct Entries
Now draw the intersection but put only patterns 5 & 6 on the drawing. They should extend toward the bottom of the page
like two sausages side by side. You are flying (drawing and then
walking) directly up the center line of the street toward the
fix. This is called the inbound leg. The pattern to your right (#3) is in right turns and the pattern to your left
(#8) is in
left turns.
#5 and #6 Radio Set
No NAV/OBS changes are required whether you are flying to
an NDB, VOR or intersection for patterns #5 & #6
#5 and #6 Clearance
The area of student difficulty in orienting to #5 and #6
lies in the terminology of the instructions for the holding pattern
at the fix. The holding direction is given as opposite to your
direction of flight. You are flying north and told to hold SOUTH.
The holding radial may be given as the same or the reciprocal
to your course depending on the location of the VOR (ahead or
If the holding direction is opposite to your direction of
flight; the pattern extends toward you from the fix, you don't
need to make any NAV/OBS changes and the entry is direct.
#3 and #8 Direct Entries
Yow draw a new intersection, you are flying toward the top
of the page, and put in patterns 3 & 8. These should extend
to the side like wings. They are on the upper side of the horizontal
line. You are flying (driving, walking) toward the fix and the
patterns extend, wing like, to your right and left. The one on
the right (#3) is in right turns; the one on the left (#8) in
left turns. At the fix a series of NAV/OBS changes are necessary
and will be covered later. At the fix first turn to the outbound
heading and start the time. During your flight to the fix you
should have tried to determine both direction and velocity of
the wind. It is appropriate that you adjust your initial outbound
flight according to your estimate of the wind. Otherwise fly
outbound heading for one minute.
#3 and #8 Radio Set
You have this one minute to make the NAV/OBS changes. Ample
time if you have practiced the settings. In addition, it provides
the interception and tracking information required for flying
toward the fix.
The #3 Nav/OBS is used to set up the interception at the fix. Both the frequencies and the OBS settings need to be reversed between the #1 and #2 radios. Use an intercept radial from another VOR if at all possible at a single VOR fix. It's nice to have the use of a VOR intercept radial even at an NDB fix.
Of the remaining four holding patterns, two will be teardrop
and two will be parallel entries. These entries require that
you get the airplane turned around going to the fix. It is this
turning around that causes pilot disorientation. The purpose
of the teardrop and parallel procedure is merely to turn the
aircraft around in the FAAs conception of the simplest
manner possible.
#1 and #2 Teardrop Entries
If the ATC specified direction of the hold is the same, or
nearly so, as your course the entry is a teardrop. These holds
will be within 30 degrees of #2 & #1. If the ATC specified
turn direction is to the right then the pattern is to your left
and vice versa. The hold to the RIGHT will be in LEFT turns.
The hold to the LEFT will be in RIGHT turns. You will fly through
the fix and diagonally through the holding pattern bisecting
it at 30 degrees. (Just as the first turn on a 45 entry to right
traffic is to the left, so will your first turn into a teardrop
calling for left turns be to the right and the teardrop calling
for right turns be to the left.)
If you have an approach plate that frequently requires teardrop entries, it is a good idea to draw in the 30 degree angle and heading numbers on the plate. In the teardrop clearance calling for right turns only the first 30 degree turn is to the left. Likewise, the holding pattern calling for a teardrop in left turn has an initial turn to the right. You time the diagonal for one minute and turn about (wind) 210 degrees to intercept the inbound leg. The 210 degree turn and all subsequent turns will be the opposite direction of the initial 30 degree turn and in the direction specified in the clearance. Once established on the inbound leg you are in the holding pattern.
#1 and #2 Radio Set
The VOR frequencies on #1 and #2 remain the same. While on
the outbound diagonal the #1 OBS must be reversed 180oto
the inbound course. No changes to the #2 radio are needed. Again,
for teardrop entries, the only change will be a 180o reversal
of the #1 Nav OBS.
#2 and #2 Clearance
If the holding direction is given as within 30 degrees of
the reciprocal to your direction of flight, the entries will
be teardrop. The pattern to your right will be in left turns
with the initial turn a 30 degree right turn. All subsequent
turns are to the left. The pattern to your left will be in right
turns with the initial turn a 30 degree left turn. All subsequent
turns are to the right.
#4 and #7 Parallel Entries
The remaining two patterns #4 & #7 are parallel entries.
Commonly called PARALLEL OUTBOUND since your first turn of 90
degrees parallels the outbound leg while actually flying the
reciprocal course and radial of the inbound leg. The parallel
holding patterns extend at approximate right angles to your initial
inbound course. You must fly through the tips of these
patterns to get to the fix. On arrival at the fix you turn left
if the holding turns are right or right if the holding turns
are left, to parallel and intercept the outbound course. Estimated
wind correction may be applied. Time this outbound leg for one
minute as soon as established out of the turn. At the end of
the minute an additional 210 degree turn in the same initial
90 degree turn direction will give you at least a 30 degree interception
back to the fix.
The first two turns from the fix of 90 and about 210 degrees will be in the same direction with all subsequent turns as part of the holding pattern in the opposite direction. You will have turned right 90 degrees for the pattern to the right of your course. You will, after one minute, turn right again about 210 degrees to fly diagonally through the pattern and intercept the inbound radial to the fix. A total of about 300 degrees to your right in order to reverse the aircraft flight direction. All subsequent turns will be to the left. or You will have turned left 90 degrees for the pattern to the left of your course. You will, after one minute, turn left again about 210 degrees to fly diagonally through the holding pattern and intercept the inbound radial to the fix. All subsequent turns will be to the right.
If the parallel pattern is to your left, your first two
turns are to the right in order to reverse your flight direction by flying a
diagonal back to the fix..
The pattern turns are to the left thereafter. If the parallel
pattern is to your right, your first two turns are to the left
in order to reverse your flight direction by flying a diagonal back to the
fix.. The pattern turns
are to the right thereafter.
#4 and #7 Radio set
The Nav/OBS changes for patterns #7 & 4 has four variables.
You can be tracking to or from a VOR and the interception VOR
may be to your left or right. However there are a number of constants.
The first is that the #1 and #2 navigational frequencies will
be reversed. The #1 OBS will be turned 90 degrees to the right
for patterns #7 & 8 and 90o to the left for patterns #3 and #4.
There is a pattern but no easy way to set the #2 OBS for any of the four patterns. You must know if the intercept station is going to be to your left or right. The OBS change will always be only 90o and is the same for #7 & 8 in each situation. The OBS change will always be only 90 degrees and is the same for # 3 & 4 in each situation.
Y-intersections will offer variations. Six holding patterns
are possible. The direction of your arrival at the intersection
gives a direct entry to at least two patterns. The teardrop to
your left will be left turns; the teardrop to your right will
be right turns. The parallels are as usual, to the right left
turns, to the left right turns. Any entry that requires more
than a 90 degree turn is wrong.
Frequencies and OBS
Use a chart to simulate a flight with holds at every intersection
of the route using the suggestions given. Giving your own clearances
will make you better understand ATCs.
#1. At the first intersection hold in the direction of your flight with a teardrop entry and right turns. Verbalize the clearance ATC would give you to define the hold at that fix. Making your own clearances will help you understand them.
Talk through the frequency settings, headings and OBS changes of that hold. Make a chart for #1 and #1 frequencies and OBS settings as well as #2 frequencies and OBS settings that will be required for arrival and then for the hold. There is a logical pattern and sequence. Once hold is established proceed...
#2. At the second intersection hold in the direction of your with with a teardrop entry and left turns. Verbalize the clearance ATC would give you to define the hold at that fix. Making your own clearances will help you understand them.
#3 At the next intersection hold to your right in a direct entry and right turns. Talk through the wording ATC might give for your clearance. Chart the frequency settings, headings and OBS changes of that hold. Once hold is established proceed...
#4. At the fourth intersection hold again to your right in a parallel entry and left turns. Talk through the clearance. Chart the frequency settings, headings and OBS changes of that hold. Once hold is established proceed.
. At the fifth intersection hold to your right rear in a direct entry and right turns. Talk through the clearance. Chart the frequency settings, headings and OBS settings of that hold. Once hold is established proceed...
At the sixth intersection hold to your left rear in a direct entry and left turns. Talk through the clearance. Chart frequency settings, headings and OBS settings of that hold. Once hold is established proceed...
At the seventh intersection hold to your left in a parallel entry and right turns. Talk through the clearance. Chart frequency settings, headings and OBS settings of that hold. Once h old is established proceed...
At the eighth intersection hold to your left in a teardrop entry and right turns. Talk through the clearance, frequency settings, headings and OBS settings of that hold. Once hold is established proceed...
the Heading Indicator to Hold
Locate your plane,
Direction to fix,
Location of hold.
1. Valid only when flying toward the fix:
2. The fix is at the center of the HI
3. The plane is always at the bottom
4. On airways, HI index number is to the fix
Holding published given by ATC
Fly time/distance (DR)
Fly to the fix.
Turn to outbound course or tear drop heading for 1 min.
Turn back to fix on holding side
Turn Left for Right
Turn Right for Left
Fly direct to fix and hold
Turn inbound on holding side and intercept inbound course. Correct
for wind during entry. Established, triple the wind correction
outbound. (As of January 6, 1995, the AIM uses the word 'triple'
instead of double.) Stay in protected airspace. This is easiest
with the NDB/ADF holds.
You can expect a controller to give you a hold that is in front of you. You will be directed to hold in a magnetic direction for a published hold or on a radial otherwise. Draw the hold on the chart. If you have a problem tell the controller and request a heading or vector into the holding pattern.
Slow down and configure flying to the fix and stay close,
turns as directed on holding side.
ATC does not time legs
As a place to climb above obstacles
As a place to descend for an approach
As a place to park after a missed approach
As a parking place anywhere to space out traffic
Simple hold is, "Turn to the outbound heading for forty-five
seconds, do
a course reversal to the holding side and enter direct."
Through the Hold
There are several flight items that must be decided before
trying to enter a holding pattern. With some repetition you
will find that each hold has a pattern both as to turns and sequence
of radio changes. By knowing them you can anticipate and stay
ahead of the airplane.
1. Be sure to get the aircraft power and trim set to holding
speed before reaching the fix.
2. You must fly to intercept a radial determining the fix or
fly directly through (to) the fix.
3. Think of the fix as being in the center of your heading indicator.
4. You are flying toward the center of your heading indicator
from the bottom up.
5. The number at the top of the card is the direction from
the fix.
6. At the fix turn to the outbound heading for one minute. Then
urn back inbound on the holding side.
On occasion you may be off airway and told to fly and hold
at a specific fix. Locate the fix. Make an approximate turn toward
the fix. Set in the frequency and OBS (FROM) settings for both
VORs determining the fix. From the position of the two needles
select one to intercept prior to arrival at the fix. The radial
intercept that will provide the easiest entry will be the holding
inbound course or its reciprocal will produce the easiest holding
entries. On airways a 45 degree intercept is recommended while
on approaches 30 degree maximum is to be preferred. Failure to
take a good intercept angle will create a problem if flying into
a strong cross wind. Be sure to reverse the selected OBS (FROM
to TO) setting for interception of a radial if flying inbound
toward a VOR.
VOR Holding
All of the previous VOR holding has assumed that you have
dual VORs.
Now you should try holding along an airway using only one Nav radio. This requires that you have identified two VORs as operational and are keeping the volume at a level sufficient to hear the code. You need to have both frequencies and OBS settings required for the fix posted/memorized. You will be busy making the changes so practice the way to turn the frequency knobs and the OBS for the most efficient changes. Counting frequency change clicks is one way while you keep your eyes on the instruments. You don't need to watch the frequency knob change. Learn how far the OBS turns as you normally twist it and make the twists required before looking at the numbers.
The DME fix will be along a radial perhaps of an airway.
If you are flying the radial be aware that your flight direction
must be either away from (FROM) the VOR or through the
VOR (TO). The DME fix is always named as being on the radial
FROM the VOR so this can be confusing. Be sure that you are reading
the DME in such a manner as to be flying toward the fix. This
type of DME fix has only four possible holds. All the holds are
along the radial. Two will be toward the VOR and two will be
away from the VOR. Two will be direct entry and two will be teardrop.
If you are flying toward the fix and the VOR your OBS will be
TO as will your heading. BUT the fix is named as DME on the
radial FROM. This can cause confusion.
Prior to reaching the fix you must determine two things about the hold. Determine the direction of the hold and the direction of the turns. If your flight will reach the holds before reaching the fix then the entries will be direct whether right or left turns. If your flight will reach the fix before reaching the holds then your entries will be teardrop. The teardrop with left turns will be to your right. The teardrop with right turns will be to your left. Make your 30 degree diagonal turn across the hold accordingly. Time for one minute. Since the teardrop is actually a course reversal you must reverse the OBS for the inbound heading to avoid reverse sensing. If the entries to the DME fix are direct no changes of the OBS will be required. It would be most unusual to be asked to hold at a DME fix at right angles to the radial determining the fix.
The designation of a hold can take several forms. A most
frequent area of confusion involves the use of cardinal heading
terminology. The eight headings are north, northeast, east, south
east, south, southwest, west, northwest. You can be asked to
hold northwest at a fix while on a southeast heading. You might
be told to hold southwest while entering a fix from the south
east. Know the directions and their related numbers.
You may be given a radial from a VOR to hold on that requires a TO OBS setting. A DME fix may require an OBS reversal or not. While not mandatory it is considered preferable to always fly the #1 VOR head and use the #2 for interceptions. The exception might be when flying to intercept an inbound approach heading.
The holding clearance will give first a holding direction. The holding direction may be given as a bearing to/from an NDB, as a radial from a VOR, or as one of the eight cardinal directions .
Items essential to a holding clearance. These items can be
given in several ways published, standard, assigned by ATC.
A charted hold can be given by ATC by giving the name, the
holding leg direction and the term "as published",
and the EFC (expect further clearance) time.
1. EFC time is the last essential assigned item for
any holding clearance.
An established no wind hold takes four (4) minutes with
two one minute
legs and one minute standard rate turns at each end.
2. Definition of the fix.
Definition is by name of navaid, intersection, or geographic
3. The holding leg.
This may be a stated direction, radial, course, bearing azimuth,
airway or route.
4. Leg length
Defined in miles or time if other than standard. Standard
on inbound leg is one minute below 14,000' MSL
and 1 1/2 above. Adjustment of outbound leg is required to obtain
required inbound leg time.
5. Direction of turns
Right turns are standard, left turns must be requested
or assigned by ATC.
6. Altitude to be specified unless same as last assigned which
is standard.
7. Speed maximum standards are set by FAR AIM 5-3-7
revokes the 175 knot prop limit and now has 200,
230, and 250 or as specified on chart limits for all other than
Jets (265 KIAS). ATC cannot require speed
reductions in holding patterns. Best economy speed makes most
sense for all concerned.
8. It is standard to triple the wind correction angle of the
inbound leg on the outbound leg. This compensates for the
wind's effect during turns. (As of January 6, 1995, the AIM uses
the word 'triple' instead of double.)
The holding direction may be given as on a radial from a VOR which is actually the reciprocal of the inbound holding course. Knowing that this is the standard ATC representation means that you must mentally reverse the direction and radial for your inbound direction. (For example: Being told to, "Hold at a VOR northeast on the 030 radial" really means that your inbound heading will be to the southwest on the 210 radial.)
The same directions given as a radial to or from a VOR passing through an intersection at an airway intersection may or may not require the mental reversal. The direction may be given as a bearing to an NDB in which the bearing and inbound heading are identical but the actual hold will be on the opposite side of the fix. You could be told to hold WEST (270), on the 090 bearing to the NDB.
It is the wording of the instructions to a hold is more often than not the cause of the perceptual difficulties pilots have. While flying north to a fix you might be instructed to hold south. This means that your inbound leg to the fix will be to the north while the body of the holding pattern will be to the south. Draw it out and see. The entry will be direct with no frequency/OBS changes required.
You must stay oriented. If assigned to hold on a radial, you must realize that your inbound leg heading TO or at the VOR will be the reciprocal of the numbers given in the holding instructions. If holding FROM the VOR (not at the VOR) the assigned radial and the inbound leg will be the same radial.
Again both situations should be drawn out to show understanding.
With reference to the eight cardinal directions you will be given
(1) The general direction of the holding pattern (airspace) from
the fix as a cardinal direction. (Southeast)
(2) The name of the fix which can be a DME point as well.
(3) Specific direction numbers as a reference. Whenever the holding
leg is other than one of the cardinal directions the degrees
will be given. Radials are always FROM and bearings are always
TO unless stated as FROM.
(4) The direction of the turns, right is standard.
(5) EFC Expect further clearance.
(6) Time now.
There is a way to help your interpretation of a clearance. Learn to say the clearance as it would be given by ATC with all the requirements as you practice the sequence of holds below. This will clarify your understanding of how the words define the hold. Knowing how the clearance tells where you will be and what you will be doing will give you the situational awareness required to keep the brain functioning normally. Learn to act as your own controller and give the clearance information you need to correctly approach the fix, determine the holding direction, and the turn direction. The cardinal direction is usually defined by assigning a radial number or airway.
As a pilot you need to think ahead of the holding pattern to how you will depart toward your destination. The incorrect clearance can make that departure more difficult. If ATC should give you a hold that is going to make your departure less than the most efficient you can suggest a change. Just the difference of right turns to left turns can be significant.
Course Reversal
Holding and Procedure Turns
The consistent use of a course reversal whenever it is necessary
to reverse aircraft direction has desirable qualities. A procedure
turn done by course reversal does not require timing and focuses
inbound attention on interception. The course reversal very easily
substitutes for all the intricacies required for parallel and
teardrop holding patterns.
There are two different depictions of approach holds on charts.
The bold depiction of a hold is part of the procedure. The bold
hold is used as a course reversal segment. Where the holding
pattern is lightly depicted on the plate it is part of the missed
approach but not part of the procedure. You cannot correctly
fly the procedure from a lightly depicted holding pattern.
The TERPS has different altitude minimums for each variation of the holding pattern. Where a light holding pattern exists you must get established on the outbound course before doing a course reversal by procedure turn or otherwise. Only proceeding this way will insure that you remain in protected airspace.
It is possible to learn your job better as a pilot faced
with a holding clearance by knowing the job of your ATC counterpart
who has to issue the clearance.
There are 31 different holding pattern sizes based on different
aircraft speeds and altitudes. In many situations ATC can, at
its option change the size of a holding airspace protected area
once an aircraft is established in the hold. The holding minimum
pattern altitude (MHA) may be less than the minimum instrument
altitude (MIA) in mountainous areas.
Not all holding patterns considered to be published are on charts or plates. It doesnt matter. ATC can require you to hold at any time as long as you remain above specified altitudes. You do not need to be in radar contact for an ATC hold. Because of protected areas minimums all instrument approach procedure course reversal holding patterns are limited to 200 knots or less. TERPS design of the holding patterns protects the course reversal area under the assumption that the outbound course will be flown.
RNAV procedures only holding patterns-in-lieu-of-procedure-turns are authorized for course reversals. The length of the pattern is a maximum as long as you remain in protected airspace you can cut is shorter.
Study Session Use the San Francisco Area Chart. Draw, walk or 'dry run' the following routes and make the holds as assigned. If making a 'dry run' in an aircraft work through the frequency/OBS changes required at each hold. Make a 4 column chart of the changes. Try using parts of the charts on an actual flight.
Area Intersections
The IFR student may have no idea as to just where his checkride
will go or by what route. The following is an exercise which
will familiarize the student with at least one region of the
Bay Area. Recognition of where you are in relation to your surrounding
space is an essential to all flying but even more so with IFR
flight. It should be noted in passing that every airway intersection
has a name which bears some relationship with the ground below
or its history. Many holds appear only on approach plates.
The following is a plate/chart study process whereby the student proceeds to study the route of the charts and plates and thereby familiarize himself with the area and at the same time develop a sense of how to make any one of the possible holds that might be assigned. The course might well be reversed in direction at the end and make the same holds coming back but write/say your own clearances.
Exercise #1
Depart CCR APT direct CCR VOR, direct FLEAT, hold at FLEAT
as published.
Depart FLEAT via V150 direct CROIT, hold northwest at CROIT in
right turns.
Depart CROIT via V195 direct SABLO, hold north at SABLO in left
Depart SABLO direct CCR VOR, hold on CCR 071 radial in right
Depart CCR direct CROIT, hold northwest at CROIT in right turns.
Depart CROIT direct SABLO, hold southeast at SABLO on the SGD
127 radial in right turns.
Depart SABLO direct CROIT, hold east at CROIT in left turns.
Depart CROIT direct SABLO, hold northeast at SABLO on the CCR
230 radial in right turns.
Depart SABLO direct CROIT, hold southwest at CROIT in right turns.
Depart CROIT direct SABLO, hold southerly on the OAK 347 radial
in left turns.
Depart SABLO direct CROIT, hold northeast on V 150 at CROIT in
left turns.
Depart CROIT direct CORDD at cruise speed, hold northeast at
CORDD in right turns.
Depart CORDD direct SGD VOR at cruise speed, hold west at SGD
in right turns.
Depart SGD direct CROIT at cruise speed, hold northwest on V
108 at CROIT in left turns.
Depart CROIT direct CCR VOR at cruise speed, hold south at CCR
in left turns.
Depart CCR direct SABLO at cruise speed, hold northeast on CCR
230 radial at SABLO in right turns.
Depart SABLO direct CROIT while climbing 500', hold easterly
on the 259 radial of CCR at CROIT in right turns.
Depart Croit direct SGD VOR while descending to 1000', hold southerly
on V 87 in right turns.
Depart SGD VOR direct KCBS 740 KHz, climb to 2,200', hold west
in left turns.
Depart CCR direct CCR VOR direct FLEAT, hold at FLEAT as
Depart FLEAT on the SGD 089 radial to intercept V195 direct CORDD,
hold north on V195 in right turns.
Depart CORDD on 061 radial of SGD VOR, hold northeast on 061
radial at SGD 6 DME fix in right turns.
Depart this fix direct SGD, hold on SGD 347 radial at SGD in
left turns.
Depart SGD via V 108 114 radial, hold northwest at 8 DME fix
in right turns.
Depart this fix direct CROIT and hold at CROIT east on CCR 259
radial in right turns.
Depart CROIT direct FLEAT, hold at FLEAT as published.
Depart FLEAT direct CCR VOR. Hold at CCR Southeast in left turns.
Depart CCR VOR via V 108 direct CROIT, hold northeast at CROIT
on V 150 in left turns.
Depart CROIT via SGD 114 radial, hold northwest 7 DME SGD fix
in right turns.
Depart this fix direct CROIT, hold southwest on SAU 035 radial
at 20 DME fix in left turns.
Depart this fix direct SABLO, hold south on OAK 347 radial at
SABLO in right turns.
Depart SABLO direct CROIT. Hold westerly at CROIT on the CCR
259 radial in right turns.
Depart CROIT direct SGD VOR, hold west at SGD in left turns.
Depart SGD direct FLEAT, hold as published at FLEAT.
Depart FLEAT direct CROIT, hold northeast at CROIT in left turns.
Depart CROIT to intercept APC 36 localizer, hold south at outer
marker in right turns. Do not intrude on Class D airspace.
and Airways
Mentally proceed on this flight. Hold as indicated. Select
several to actually fly. (In Marin County the proximity to the
TCA makes it inadvisable to fly unless on IFR clearance.) Pick
legal altitudes least likely to be flown by other aircraft. Remember
some holds and fixes are shown only on approach plates
Proceed via V 108 to:
1. SDG hold on 347 radial in left turns, then to
2. MICRA hold northwest in left turns, then to
3. PYE hold northwest on V 107 in left turns, then to
4. FREES hold northwest in right turns, then to
5. GETER hold north in left turns, then to
6. LAPED hold west in right turns, then to
7. DALON hold north in right turns, then to
8. RUMSEY hold southwest in right turns, then to
9. ILA hold northeast in right turns, then to
10. BESSA hold west in left turns, then to
11. RAGGS hold east in right turns, then to
12. CORRD hold north in right turns, then to
13. CROIT hold east on CCR 259 in right turns, then to
14. SABLO hold south in left turns, then to
15. CCR hold north in left turns, then to
16. PITTS hold east in left turns, then to
17. RYMAR hold as published, then to
18. REJOY hold east on ECA 288 radial in left turns, then to
19. COUPS hold south in right turns, then to
20. SAC hold northeast in right turns, then to
21. VISTO hold north in left turns, then to
22. OAKEY hold south in right turns, then to
23. PITTS hold east in left turns, then to
24. CCR hold WEST in left turns, then to
25. CROIT hold south in right turns, then to
26. FLEAT hold as published, then to
27. EMBER hold northwest in right turns, then to
28. SAC hold northeast in left turns, then to
29. CAPTO hold southeast in left turns, then to
30. GRIME hold southeast in left turns, then to
31. ILA hold north in right turns, then to
32. RUMSEY hold southwest in right turns, then to
33. MAUCH hold east in right turns, then to
34. POPES hold west in left turns, then to
35. RAGGS, hold north in right turns, then to
36. CORRD hold south in left turns, then to
37. SGD as published (see approach plate), then to
38. YUBBA via V 87, V 200, hold as published, then to
39. HALOW hold as published, then to
40. SAC direct hold as published, then to
41. METRE via SAC 337 radial, hold as published, then to
42. LANEE via 124 bearing, hold as published, then to
43. WAGER via radar vectors SAC 137, hold as published, then
44. ORANG via V 585, hold as published, then to
45. CEA hold as published, then to
46. MOD via ECA 124 radial, hold as published, then to
47. WOWAR via IMOD, hold as published, then to
48. QUADS via direct LIN via 285 radial, hold as published. (see
LODI), then
49. TRACY via ECA direct via 229 radial, hold as published (See
LVK plate), then to
50. MERET via TZZ VOR via 349 radial, hold as published (see ??
plate) hold as published, shoot approach and fly missed approach,
then to
51. AGGIE hold as published, then to #36 and fly back.
the Clock
The aircraft clock is used by IFR pilots for a variety of
purposes. Consider the timing for groundspeed, approach timing,
ETA prediction, fuel planning and the timing of course interceptions.
The planning of a flight is charted by mileage. The pilot is well advised to convert mileage into time. Your lapboard could (should) have a conversion chart for cruise and approach ground speeds. A GPS is a big help to figure in wind effects. When you make the conversion into minutes you can take the next step of anticipating in terms of time.
You can stay ahead of the aircraft when you use time. When
making ATC vector intercepts, you anticipate a 30-degree intercept
angle by 10-seconds. A 45-degree intercept takes 15 seconds.
A Holding
Just today, while we were entering a holding pattern, ATC gave
us a vector that made no sense. In the process of
acknowledging the vector we (my student) stepped on ATC canceling
the vector as being in error. Talk about being up a creek without
a paddle. It took us four turns in the holding pattern to get
one close to being right.
It turned into a good lesson. I got the student to set up
an intercept one of the radials. Before we got there the other
radial came in and we turned outbound and put in a 30 degree
correction to get us closer on the outbound leg. It took nearly
a minute to get abeam the fix. We started out outbound time for
two-minute legs. When we turned inbound we had barely completed
the turn before reaching the fix. We turned outbound again, ran
our time again for two minutes but was unable to get to the inbound
radial on before reaching the fix radial. On the next turn outbound
we went out three minutes and actually intercepted the inbound
radial. The inbound turn was so affected by the wind that we
were still on it when we held a 30-degree cut inbound which this
time was close to the required one-minute inbound leg. Inbound
we called for vectors to our next approach. I would estimate
that the wind was in the 50-knot range. It was a great experience
(Attended a 2002 FIRC with AOPA and found that it is very possible
to have a wind so strong that a hold that cannot be held.)
Nav Holding
One of the most difficult things I ever had to do was hold
at an intersection determined by 2 radials of 2 different VORs
with one receiver and a NORDO aircraft. I had to leave the fix
at the EFC time. Fortunately
for me I had some good instrument instructors who helped me learn
it for an airman flight check.
If you remember the 6 Ts: Turn Time Twist Throttle Talk Track;
they were devised for a very good reason. If you only have one
omni the first step is to intercept the radial that is the holding
course, from either direction. Once you are established on that
radial, figure out the wind correction angle, then hold the heading.
Next tune in the 2nd VOR (twist) and determine which side of
the aircraft the station is on.
If the
needle is on the same side as the station you're not there yet
(same side, safe side). When the needle starts to center then
start your turn. If the needle flips to the opposite side of
the VOR and you miss it, you've passed the radial, start your
turn. Time outbound and set up the VOR to track the inbound course
again. If you're making a parallel entry from the opposite direction,
use the same technique to get established inbound. Besides wearing
the knobs out on your avionics it works pretty good. There may
be other methods but this was the easiest for me. Of course if
you have 2 receivers or a DME it works much easier.
Todd Pattist
The Holding
--Triple the outbound wind correction
--Wind makes a big difference
--@90 knots a 15 knot 90-degree wind is one mile off course in
one minute
--It is possible to have a wind in which a proper holding pattern
cannot be made.
VOR Holding
One of the difficulties of VOR understanding involves that the
presentation of a radial is always outbound or FROM the VOR while all hold
instructions are inbound on the assigned radial. Essential this means the
pilot must mentally reverse the radial assigned to go inbound on its
reciprocal heading. The choice is whether you let ATC twist your thinking
using radials before you begin flying or whether you fly headings only because
that's what you will be doing anyway.
While you are inbound on the 330 radial (heading of 150 that they don't mention. You are told to hold on the 315 radial (requires either direct to VOR or a turn to the right to intercept and fly inbound on the 315 radial prior to reaching the VOR). The problem is not you, it is the convoluted manner of presenting the hold with numbers that are reciprocal to the ones you will actually use and even worse not in the order of use. Question: Why not restate the instructions so that only headings are used in your read back.
What you (ATC) means is you want me either to fly direct to the VOR and make a right turn holding pattern inbound to the VOR on a heading of l35-degrees. Or you want me to fly an intercept TO the l35 degree radial of the VOR prior to reaching the VOR and then hold in right turns. The intercept TO a radial is easily done using the ADF Double the Angle Method. Turn to a heading of 135, note the angle obtained using the OBS with the needle centered. Double the angle and then hold it until an OBS setting of 135 centers the needle.
Electronic Positional
Awareness Errors
--Bend in airway between two VORs
--Use of stale database.
--Intercept of radial to wrong navaid.
--Use of wrong GPS coordinates.
--Pilotage and Dead Reckoning are your GPS backups.
--Transposition of two of the three possible letters is a common error.
--Given the choice between an ATC command and a GPS reading, obey ATC.
--Use ’nearest’ to maintain geographic orientation
--GPS has greatly increased the CFIT problem
–There is no phase of flying that cannot be made more difficult by
New Look at Holding
The hold as used in IFR is a method of parking and/or turning around
an airplane. In my studies I have found some nice to know things about holds
and intersections.
---The hold has the straight legs of a racetrack because the older gyros
would cause precession during continuous circles. The straight-away allow the
gyro to settle down. We still do it but I understand that
it is not really needed, today.
---If you take an intersection crossed at right angles as a + sign and
beginning at the top left you can get eight different holding patterns.. Draw
it and let the patterns overlap so you can see all eight in one drawing. Use
arrows to show the direction of the pattern or R/L .
---Assume that in your flight you are arriving from the south and are heading north. The direction is not important but the numbering of the holds remains the same.
---This is what you have when driving a car into a + intersection and can be visualized while stopped at an intersection. Beginning at the top left number around the + until you have all the holds from one to eight.
---Of the eight holds four are direct entry and do not reverse the direction of flight. The other four turn the aircraft around in a direction opposite to that of their arrival.
---Good practice would be to always fly the #1 VOR and intersect the #2 VOR Use the outbound legs to make the required changes in frequency and OBS.
---Note that the two holds at the top (1&2) are teardrop entries and for right turns you turn left for #1 and for left turns you turn right for one minute before turning to the inbound leg and reversing the OBS while timing for one minute (ideal)
---The other two holds that reverse arrival directions are below the horizontal cross bar (+) and are called parallel outbound holds. Again the one on the left gives a right turn holding pattern and the one on the right gives a left turning holding pattern.
---The four direct entry holds turn right or left as required. Right turns
understood unless left turns are specified on crossing the fix and fly in the
outbound direction specified in the clearance initially for one (To be
adjusted) minute. Holds to the right side of the vertical bar will in right
turns and holds to the left side of the vertical bar will be left turns.
Regarding VOR/OBS changes
---No changes in (#5&6)
---(1&2) require only OBS reversal of # 1 VOR.
---(#3&4) and (7&8) require switching # 1 and #2 VOR frequencies and
OBS settings.
---The intersection could be a Y with only six possible holds but the
numbering remains the same as though looking through the intersection. #1 will
always be to the top left regardless of which leg you arrive on.
On thinking some more about verbalizing hold clearances I think the following might be a way to do it..
Using the location of an + airway intersection on your local sectional draw out a larger scale of the + intersection. Then on another piece of paper draw two holding patterns 00 using the same inbound radial and the fix. Cut these out as a single piece with the common radial belonging to both. Using the matched pair the one on the left being in right turns and the one on the right being in left turns inbound to the fix.
Put the 00 holds on the chart northern-most arm of or your drawing and then place your imaginary plane on one of the airways and write out in 'shorthand' your clearance. The only difference in the two clearances should be "...In left turns."
By moving the 00 to each of the arms of the + you should be able to write the 8 possible clearances. The clearance for all eight will be the same regardless of the aircraft location. The holding turn directions are always the same.
Remember, while YOU may be able to 'see' your way to any hold, the average pilot finds the entire procedure difficult and confusing.
The near-universal arrival is, fly to the fix, fly in the direction of the hold (as given in the clearance)
outbound, After 45 seconds for right turns make your course reversal to the left; for left turns
make you course reversal to the right.
The only exceptions are when the direction of the holds is
given as the direction you are arriving from.
Changing OBS and Frequencies
---The beauty of the ADF hold is that only one frequency and needle is
used for every hold.
---The DME hold is going to be flown as #1 & 2 or 5 & 6 without cross
---The single VOR hold will always require that the inbound leg to the VOR be
---A fix formed by radials from two VORs may or may not require a
complete switching of both frequencies and OBS settings. Patterns 3
& 4 and 7 & 8 require the greatest initial changes but remain
fixed thereafter.
Gene and Aaron
In my opinion holds are not all that important. Once past the instrument
checkride you can always ask for delaying vectors which are always easier. Of
the eight possible primary holds at any fix they all can be entered and flown
by flying to the fix and turning outbound for 45 seconds, doing a course
reversal to the holding side and flying inbound to the fix. Its that simple.
But the antiquated FAA insists on your being able to perform the three procedures remaining from before WWII as a part of the test.. Once you pass the test you will never need them in the real world of IFR flying.
That being said why don't you pick a spot near the center of a piece of paper and put a four inch + through it. Starting at the top left as #1 draw all eight of the possible primary holds on that fix. There are eight more if you put an x over the same point so there are actually an unlimited number of holds. For starters let's just use eight. #1 through #8 beginning with #1 at the top left.
The + sign gives us four inbound to the fix legs with four left turning holds and four right turning holds. Any instructions will only include left turns. when left turns is not in the instructions the right turns as standard are understood to be required. For instructional purposes let us say that the arrival is always from the bottom of the +
Of the eight possible holds, four require that the aircraft find a way to
turn around and four are direct entries. Around a four inch + draw the eight
possible holding patterns as a series of racetrack ovals or 0. Beginning at
the top left number them clockwise from #1 to #8 On numbers #1 and #2 draw a
diagonal line through the 0 as \ from the fix and an arrow head^ pointing up.
For #2 0 draw a diagonal / from the fix again with an arrow pointing up. ^.
These are your two teardrop
For # 4 and #7 draw horizontal diagonals from the fix to the outside corner of
the 0s. Draw the arrow heads pointing inward toward the fix <>. These
are your two parallel outbound holds.
You should note that in all four cases the direction of the initial turn is always opposite to the direction of the holding turns. For example the initial turn in pattern #1 is to the left but the turns are to the right, the initial turn in pattern #2 is to the right but the turns are to the left.
The initial turn in #4 is to the right but the turns are to the left and in #7 the initial turn is to the left and the turns in the pattern are to the right.
The other four patterns are all direct entries with initial right turns having right pattern turns and all entries with initial left turns having left pattern turns. The direct entries require only that you fly direct to the fix and begin turning left if given as a part of the clearance instructions or right if no turn instructions are included.
I think that every time you stop at an intersection in your car you could do successive mental holding patterns beginning with #1 and ending with #8. There is a reverse logic in what it takes to change an aircraft's flight direction as required by #1 and 2 and #4 and 7. By drawing these out on a piece of paper and practicing them by walking and when at stop signs the required procedures will become automatic.
The next practice suggestion is that you write or say the clearance
instructions for the different holds until you can associate the hold
procedure with the instructions. For desert make your fix as located in the
center of an X and eyeball the required instructions and procedure.
More if you wish.
Aaron Wrote
I also adapted some mnemonics that seem to be working.
Weather Altim.
Tune radios
Identify stations
Twist in what can be twisted
Test Marker beacons and DG
See checklist
Heading next
Altitude next
Radios check
Procedure Brief Approach
See Checklist or flow check
This usually catches anything i might have missed
I do a descent checklist prior to IAF on inbound I brief next 5T's for each
MDA/DH and time
slow airspeed
Check for flags and GPS active
Power Mixture Rich/Tanks Both
Lights 3 lights
Lights Landing set
Lights if pilot controlled
Cram/Climb/Clean/Communicate next five T's
I just need to nail it all down now, any advice you have for keeping myself
mentally disciplined and focused in the cockpit would be appreciated. Also, if
you have anything I could add to my procedures that would be great. I
appreciate your time.
Re: Partial Panel.
If anything it is somewhat easier because there are fewer instruments to scan.
It only becomes difficult if you have not properly covered the 'disabled'
There is no solution for getting and keeping IFR proficiency without frequent flying and practice. I have been editing some of my IFR pages and find that the review is really helpful. One aspect of holding that is not common knowledge is that you should practice saying the words given as instructions. The direction of the 'hold' is opposite to the inbound course, for instance. Also you should know the approximate direction of such terms as southwest, northeast etc. They don't always give you an airway or compass number. Do an ADF hold.
Holding Pattern another Way
1) I make a dot for the VOR
2) When given the radial (in your case 060) I look up at the DG and I look for
the position of 060 on the DG dial. If it's in, say, the 2:00 position. then
that is the position I draw a line extending from the dot
3) Next, I think about the direction of the required turn and draw an oval
starting off the end of the dot to represent the race-track hold pattern
4) Lastly, I make an arrow below the dot pointing straight up at the dot to
represent my direction of flight toward the dot/VOR
Then I can easily visualize the entry proceedure into the this case
a tear-drop if the turns are to the right.
Works every time for me.
Return to WhittSflying
Return to IFR
Continued on 7.58 DME,