Don's Zodiac 601HDS Project
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*** New Stuff ***

Back in the Saddle Again

Thanks to some trash talk from a good friend, I'm now actively working on my Zodie. At this point, the project is over 8 years old and after a LONG break, it's nice to be building again.

I'm also the proud father of a new Jabiru 3300 Engine which is due to be shipped in Sept. 2006.


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What's this web page about?

This web page is dedicated to my experience building the Zodiac 601HDS from the Zenith Aircraft Company. It is designed to help others building and/or considering purchasing an experimental plane. For the amusement of others and to remind me just how long this project is taking, below is the amount of hours worked on the project. Please keep in mind that this is only actual drilling, marking, filing, cutting, etc. Thinking time, consulting with ZAC, etc. has NOT been included. 

For questions or comments, e-mail me at

Use of any information on this site is done at your own risk. Please consult with a qualified A&P, Engineer, and / or Zenith before implementing any ideas found on the site.

Total Project Hours to Date:  512 Hours
Website last updated on 05/10/06.