// awstats_misc_tracker.js //------------------------------------------------------------------- // You can add this file onto some of your web pages (main home page can // be enough) by adding the following HTML code to your page body: // // // // // * This must be added after the tag, not placed within the // tags, or the resulting tracking tag will not be handled // correctly by all browsers. Internet explorer will also not report // screen height and width attributes until it begins to render the // body. // // This allows AWStats to be enhanced with some miscellanous features: // - Screen size detection (TRKscreen) // - Browser size detection (TRKwinsize) // - Screen color depth detection (TRKcdi) // - Java enabled detection (TRKjava) // - Macromedia Director plugin detection (TRKshk) // - Macromedia Shockwave plugin detection (TRKfla) // - Realplayer G2 plugin detection (TRKrp) // - QuickTime plugin detection (TRKmov) // - Mediaplayer plugin detection (TRKwma) // - Acrobat PDF plugin detection (TRKpdf) //------------------------------------------------------------------- // If you use pslogger.php to generate your log, you can change this line with // var awstatsmisctrackerurl="pslogger.php?loc=/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js"; var awstatsmisctrackerurl="/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js"; var TRKresult; var TRKscreen, TRKwinsize, TRKcdi, TRKjava, TRKshk, TRKsvg, TRKfla; var TRKrp, TRKmov, TRKwma, TRKpdf, TRKpdfver, TRKuserid, TRKsessionid; var TRKnow, TRKbegin, TRKend; var TRKnse, TRKn; function awstats_setCookie(TRKNameOfCookie, TRKvalue, TRKexpirehours) { TRKExpireDate = new Date (); TRKExpireDate.setTime(TRKExpireDate.getTime() + (TRKexpirehours * 3600 * 1000)); document.cookie = TRKNameOfCookie + "=" + escape(TRKvalue) + "; path=/" + ((TRKexpirehours == null) ? "" : "; expires=" + TRKExpireDate.toGMTString()); } //function awstats_runvbscript() { // TRKresult = false; // p=false; // document.write('\n'); // alert(p); // if (TRKresult) return 'y'; // else return 'n'; //} function awstats_detectIE(TRKClassID) { TRKresult = false; // !!! Adding var in front of TRKresult break detection !!! document.write('\n on error resume next \n TRKresult = IsObject(CreateObject("' + TRKClassID + '")) \n \n'); if (TRKresult) return 'y'; else return 'n'; } function awstats_detectNS(TRKClassID) { TRKn = "n"; if (TRKnse.indexOf(TRKClassID) != -1) if (navigator.mimeTypes[TRKClassID].enabledPlugin != null) TRKn = "y"; return TRKn; } function awstats_getCookie(TRKNameOfCookie){ if (document.cookie.length > 0){ TRKbegin = document.cookie.indexOf(TRKNameOfCookie+"="); if (TRKbegin != -1) { TRKbegin += TRKNameOfCookie.length+1; TRKend = document.cookie.indexOf(";", TRKbegin); if (TRKend == -1) TRKend = document.cookie.length; return unescape(document.cookie.substring(TRKbegin, TRKend)); } return null; } return null; } if (window.location.search == "" || window.location.search == "?") { // If no query string TRKnow = new Date(); TRKscreen=screen.width+"x"+screen.height; if (navigator.appName != "Netscape") { TRKcdi=screen.colorDepth; } else {TRKcdi=screen.pixelDepth}; TRKjava=navigator.javaEnabled(); TRKuserid=awstats_getCookie("AWSUSER_ID"); TRKsessionid=awstats_getCookie("AWSSESSION_ID"); var TRKrandomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*10000); if (TRKuserid == null || (TRKuserid=="")) { TRKuserid = "awsuser_id" + TRKnow.getTime() +"r"+ TRKrandomnumber; } if (TRKsessionid == null || (TRKsessionid=="")) { TRKsessionid = "awssession_id" + TRKnow.getTime() +"r"+ TRKrandomnumber; } awstats_setCookie("AWSUSER_ID", TRKuserid, 10000); awstats_setCookie("AWSSESSION_ID", TRKsessionid, 1); TRKuserid=""; TRKuserid=awstats_getCookie("AWSUSER_ID"); TRKsessionid=""; TRKsessionid=awstats_getCookie("AWSSESSION_ID"); var TRKnav=navigator.appName.toLowerCase(); // "internet explorer" or "netscape" var TRKagt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // "msie...", "mozilla...", "firefox..." //alert(TRKnav); alert(TRKagt); var TRKwin = ((TRKagt.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (TRKagt.indexOf("32bit")!=-1)); var TRKmac = (TRKagt.indexOf("mac")!=-1); var TRKns = (TRKnav.indexOf("netscape") != -1); var TRKopera= (TRKnav.indexOf("opera") != -1); var TRKie = (TRKagt.indexOf("msie") != -1); // Detect the browser internal width and height var TRKwinsize; if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) TRKwinsize = document.documentElement.clientWidth + 'x' + document.documentElement.clientHeight; else if (document.body && document.body.clientWidth) TRKwinsize = document.body.clientWidth + 'x' + document.body.clientHeight; else TRKwinsize = window.innerWidth + 'x' + window.innerHeight; if (TRKie && TRKwin) { TRKshk = awstats_detectIE("SWCtl.SWCtl.1"); TRKsvg = awstats_detectIE("Adobe.SVGCtl"); TRKfla = awstats_detectIE("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.1"); TRKrp = awstats_detectIE("rmocx.RealPlayer G2 Control.1"); TRKmov = awstats_detectIE("Quicktime.Quicktime"); TRKwma = awstats_detectIE("wmplayer.ocx"); TRKpdf = 'n'; TRKpdfver=''; if (awstats_detectIE("PDF.PdfCtrl.1") == 'y') { TRKpdf = 'y'; TRKpdfver='4'; } // Acrobat 4 if (awstats_detectIE('PDF.PdfCtrl.5') == 'y') { TRKpdf = 'y'; TRKpdfver='5'; } // Acrobat 5 if (awstats_detectIE('PDF.PdfCtrl.6') == 'y') { TRKpdf = 'y'; TRKpdfver='6'; } // Acrobat 6 if (awstats_detectIE('AcroPDF.PDF.1') == 'y') { TRKpdf = 'y'; TRKpdfver='7'; } // Acrobat 7 } if (TRKns || !TRKwin) { TRKnse = ""; for (var TRKi=0;TRKi') } }